Based on an article that first appeared at

November is National Pet Diabetes Month and an excellent time to familiarize yourself with how this chronic disease can impact your furry friend’s life. As veterinarians, we’re deeply committed to the welfare of animals and are here to help you navigate the intricate world of pet diabetes. In this blog post, we’re covering everything from common symptoms to treatment options. Keep reading to learn more!

Understanding Diabetes in Pets

Much like in humans, diabetes manifests as elevated blood sugar levels in our furry friends. It poses unique health challenges and falls into two primary categories. Type 1 Diabetes requires insulin therapy for management, while Type 2 Diabetes may or may not necessitate insulin treatment, depending on the condition’s progression.

This metabolic condition impacts the body’s ability to regulate glucose, and when left untreated, the consequences can be dire. While this disease is quite serious, you can manage it effectively with the right knowledge and care. With proper monitoring and treatment, you can ensure a good quality of life for your four-legged best friend.

Senior Dog and Cat hiding under blanket.

Causes of Pet Diabetes

Diabetes has many potential causes. Lifestyle choices, including obesity, an unhealthy diet, and a sedentary lifestyle, significantly increase the risk. As a pet parent, it’s up to you to help your furry friend maintain a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk.

Genetics is also a fascinating aspect of pet diabetes. Some breeds, including poodles and Samoyeds, are more likely to develop the condition. By being aware of your pet’s genetic predisposition, you can proactively monitor their health. Your veterinarian can help you understand your pet’s unique risk factors.

Common Symptoms of Pet Diabetes

Now, let’s delve into some of the most common symptoms of pet diabetes. These indicators are often subtle, but they are crucial for early intervention.

Symptoms of diabetes in pets include:

  • Excessive Thirst: If you notice your pet drinking more water than usual, it could be a sign. This increased thirst, known as polydipsia, is often one of the earliest symptoms.
  • Frequent Urination: Diabetic pets may need to urinate more frequently, which can be especially noticeable in house-trained animals. This is called polyuria and is closely linked to excessive drinking.
  • Weight Loss: If your pet starts shedding weight despite maintaining a consistent diet, it’s a red flag. Diabetes can cause the body to break down muscle and fat for energy, which leads to weight loss.
  • Change in Appetite: An unusual increase or decrease in appetite can also indicate illness. Increased appetite, known as polyphagia, is more common in Type 2 Diabetes, while reduced appetite may occur in advanced stages of Type 1 Diabetes.
  • Lethargy: Is your pet showing unusual tiredness, reduced activity levels, or overall listlessness? Diabetes can cause reduced energy levels due to the body’s inability to effectively use glucose for fuel.
  • Irritability: Changes in behavior, such as increased aggression or restlessness, may also signal a problem. Changes in blood sugar levels can affect a pet’s mood and behavior.

Remember, the presence of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily confirm diabetes, but they should prompt a visit to the veterinarian for a thorough evaluation. Even if your pet doesn’t have diabetes, these symptoms could be indicative of another serious underlying problem. Addressing symptoms early can make a significant difference in your pet’s health and well-being.

Diagnosis and Screening

Diagnosing diabetes in pets is a precise process that requires the assistance of your veterinarian. They will perform blood tests to measure glucose levels and evaluate your pet’s health. Additionally, they may conduct urine tests to further confirm the diagnosis and assess your pet's overall health.

Early diagnosis is essential for effective management, as it enables prompt intervention and the initiation of an appropriate treatment plan. In addition to urine and blood tests, your veterinarian may recommend a fructosamine test to provide a more extended view of your pet’s glucose levels over time.Cat diabetes bloodwork and planning.

Treatment Options

With the right approach and a collaborative effort between you and your veterinarian, you can effectively manage your pet’s diabetes. Treatment options may include insulin therapy, dietary modifications tailored to your pet’s needs, and lifestyle adjustments, such as regular exercise.

Regular veterinary visits are crucial to monitor your pet’s response to treatment and make any necessary adjustments. A crucial aspect of treatment is establishing a consistent routine for insulin administration, feeding, and exercise to help maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Prevention and Management

Preventing diabetes in pets is undoubtedly preferable to treating it. Preventive measures include providing a balanced diet, encouraging exercise to maintain a healthy weight, and ensuring routine wellness exams with your veterinarian for early detection. Preventive care reduces the risk of diabetes and contributes to your pet’s overall well-being and happiness.

It’s essential to remember that effective management of pet diabetes is a long-term commitment. Regular monitoring, treatment plan adherence, and a loving and supportive environment are keys to helping your pet thrive. Consistency in feeding, insulin administration, and monitoring is vital to ensure the best possible outcome for your pet’s health.

Promoting Awareness

National Pet Diabetes Month is not just a calendar event. It’s a time to raise awareness and actively contribute to the well-being of our pets. You can play a crucial role by sharing knowledge, supporting local charities dedicated to pet health, and spreading the word about the symptoms of diabetes in pets. Awareness can be a powerful tool for change, and by participating in this cause, you’re making a difference in pets' lives.

Raising awareness is not just about spreading information but also about encouraging responsible pet ownership. It’s about advocating for the health and happiness of our furry friends and nurturing the bonds we share with them. By actively participating in National Pet Diabetes Month, you become an advocate for pets’ well-being, spreading the word on prevention, early detection, and effective management of diabetes.


National Pet Diabetes Month is an opportunity to reflect on the health of your furry family member. If you suspect that your beloved pet might have diabetes or are concerned about their health, reach out to a veterinarian. With the right care, attention, and awareness, you can ensure your pet leads a long, healthy, and happy life.

Together, we can make a positive impact during National Pet Diabetes Month and beyond by advocating for our pets’ well-being and strengthening the bond between humans and animals. By learning, sharing, taking action, and advocating for our pets, we can make the world a healthier and better place for our furry friends.

If you have questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (310) 695-5399, or you can email us at [email protected]. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram


  • Dog Illness & Disease